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Building a Business is like Building a Home

The philosophy and framework needed to build a home is much the same as that required to build a business. Both processes, whilst uniquely different, require well thought out and strong foundations to support the impending growth. The first step in the process is developing a vision of the business you hope to build. The […]

A lesson for employees and employers

What you need to know about post-employment restraints in NSW Post-employment restraint clauses are a common feature in most employment contracts. These clauses operate to prevent an employee from taking certain action which would adversely affect their employer following the termination of their employment. Such action may include: Restraint clauses are becoming increasingly valuable for […]

Raising Capital for Business in Australia

Starting a business can be one of the most exciting and rewarding journeys, but it can also involve financial challenges. Whether you’re looking to fund a startup or you are exploring options to scale your business, funding becomes a critical factor for growth.  If you don’t have the necessary resources, raising capital might be the […]

Business contracts

In the early days of your start-up business, having in place solid business contracts can help avoid unnecessary hiccups, ensuring the smooth development of your company and a level of protections against future disputes or misunderstandings. By ‘business contracts’, we are referring to the legally binding agreements between two or more parties, setting out the […]

Legal Responsibilities for Buying and Selling Online

With the increasing growth of people buying and selling online, it becomes more important to understand the responsibilities of online transactions. If you own a business, staying compliant means protecting your reputation and avoiding legal issues in e-commerce. For your consumers, it’s about safeguarding their rights and interests when making online purchases.  Today, we’ll delve […]


As an employer, you have obligations regarding your employee’s rights and it is your responsibility to provide a respectful and compliant work environment. The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) governs Australian workplace relationships between employees and employers and sets the minimum workplace entitlements called the National Employment Standards (NES). The NES protect employees from unreasonable workloads, state the various […]

Protecting your Intellectual Property

Given the impact of technology on the modern lifestyle, it would be difficult for the emerging generation to imagine a world without it. To think that tech life staples such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter were founded little over a decade ago (and didn’t become mainstream until much later) is astounding, given the social reliance […]

Engaging a web developer

If you are a tech start-up, choosing a web developer will be one of the most important decisions and biggest investments you will make. For other non-implement tech reliant businesses, a website is now something that you will nonetheless be required to develop and maintain as part of business branding and marketing. In both cases, […]

Registering your domain name

Nowadays, website domain name registration goes hand in hand with branding. In fact, it is often the case that new businesses determine their brand based on domain name availability and not vice versa. Given these trends, it is now more important than ever for you to give careful consideration to securing a domain name: As […]

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